Some what-nows, why-evers and how-comes about photos I've worked with lately. Tippy
Here is The Shard brought into my studio and laid on its side on a beanbag. Everything is in a big cloud chamber. I then fired a Beta particle at it with one hand and released the shutter with another. My free hand wasn't at work that day. Never is. I had just been round the Tate's Klee show with Claudia. I didn't care much for the way Paul Klee gave all his paintings a title; they prescribed a figurative interpretation. Half way round I stopped looking at the titles but later found them unusually helpful in identifying the paintings we wanted to talk about. Doh. Perhaps it's worth giving this language thing another try? I have immediately decided to begin a new period in which I give my new photos a title. ~ Postscript: Hundreds* have written to me to ask 'So what happened to the Beta particle after this photograph was taken?' Well, moments later the Shard shot out its incredibly prehensile tongue and eat it. But the sudden movement upset The Shard's balance and it rolled off the beanbag and into some milk.
* of particles of all shapes and sizes and spin.
German classOn Mondays I'm learning German. At the same time I started my course I noticed that Wex Photographic do a clever thing on Mondays which is run a weekly mini competition where you tweet a photo you've taken in the last 7 days with #WexMondays. I've never gone in for routine, public photographic practice but the discipline of German class has moved me on. Here's my first #WexMondays photo, a floral chandelier found under a roadworks sign in Fitzrovia this morning. The discovery was a bit magical, but it was hard to make a photo that looked worthwhile in the compact camera I had with me. I've used a straightforward-to-apply post method which always intrigues me visually and feel I've captured something of the experience of my encounter.
Recently published - International Journal of Screendance
Documentary photography I was commissioned to shoot by the What Matters Festival in 2012 has been published in the academic International Journal of Screendance: Here's a sampler slideshow from assorted documentation assignments. It includes photography from the What If... (2011) , What Matters... (2012) and What Now... (2013) festivals, and from performance events in Hackney and Brighton, UK (see captions).
The channel of small movementsHere, embedded and streamed, is my 'The channel of small movements' from Vimeo. Designed for those who are easily over-stimulated. Beware that most of these videos are quite quiet but not all of them. Best stand by your volume control.